This is a step by step guide on how to properly set the carriage gap alignment on the EFI 16H

Step 1:  From the printer’s Control window, open the Parameter

Settings window.

Step 2: On the Parameter Settings windows Page Setting tab, choose

the Calibrate button.

Step 3: Slip the 1.5mm carriage gap tool under the carriage gap. 

(NOTE: This can be done directly on the belt or on media.)

Step 4: Enter a correction value in the Carriage Height/Adjust

Height to achieve 1.5mm field. (The correction value is the +/-

amount needed to achieve a 1.5mm gap.)

Step 5: Choose the Adjust button.

Step 6: Use the carriage gap tool to check the carriage gap again.

Step 7: When the gap is good, choose Save.

Step 8: Choose the Save It as Home Height OK button.

Step 9: Choose OK to close the Parameters window.

Step 10: On the printer Control window, choose the left arrow to send the carriage to the home position.

Step 11: On the printer Control window:

  • Clear the Auto-Gap Detect checkbox.
  • Select the option button for Carriage Gap 1.5mm.
  • Choose the Set Gap button

Step 12: Choose the Set Gap button again with different media, and the carriage moves to 1.5mm.

(NOTE: You should not have to recalibrate the carriage gap unless you change to a different thickness of media, experience

a media crash, power down the printer, or the printer comes out of sleep mode.)