Periodic printhead cleaning is performed automatically, as long as the printer is kept turned on. However,

you should clean the printheads if you are experiencing poor image quality and cannot resolve the issues by

other methods. This ensures that there is fresh ink in the nozzles and helps to prevents nozzle clogs.

If you have printed the Printhead status plot, you know which colors are failing. Clean the pair of printheads

that are not performing adequately. If you are not sure which printheads to clean, clean all of the printheads.

To clean the printheads, go to the printer's front panel and select the maintenance icon, then Clean printheads, then

select which printheads you want to clean. You can clean all of the printheads or only some of them.

Cleaning all of the printheads takes about 5 minutes. Cleaning any two printheads takes about 3 minutes.