There are two adjustments you can make when your printhead is striking the material also known as "Head Strike".
First is Vacuum Strength. Do this adjustment and then reprint. If the same result occurs move to the next strength up.
1)Make sure you have the correct material type selected on the touch screen of the printer when you load the printer
2)Click on Roll 1
3)Click on Roll 1 (again)
4)Click on "Paper Settings"
5)Click "Advanced"
6)Click on "Transport Unit Vacuum Strength" (default is auto)
7) Select "Standard"
8) Print again. NOTE : If the print comes out with the same issue repeat steps and go up to the next strength on the vacuum increasing it until the issue disappears.
IF you are at the strongest vacuum setting and still getting printhead strikes,
Second adjustment to make (only if vacuum adjustment does not work) is a Head Height adjustment/
1)Make sure you have the correct material type selected on the touch screen of the printer when you load the printer
2)Click on Roll 1
3)Click on Roll 1 (again)
4)Click on "Paper Settings"
5)Click "Advanced"
6)Click on "Paper Thickness (head height)"
7)Choose Standard
8)Print again NOTE : If the print comes out with the same issue repeat steps and go up to the next height up on the settings increasing the distance from the head to the paper until the issue disappears.